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Monday, January 11, 2010

Classic Car Insurance - Make a Wise Choice For Your Classic Car!

Classic car insurance is important for classic car owners because this type of cars need more attention from the owners compared to regular types of cars. Most of the time, if classic cars are being maintained well by its owners, they can fetch a high price in the market due to their rarity and therefore, their owners have a tendency to make claims even though the damage on the cars are probably just minor ones. Regular car insurance might not be able to protect classic cars to such extend, and therefore there is a need for classic car owners to purchase classic car insurance to protect the cars to themaximum.

There are some special requirements that you need to fulfill before you can purchase classic car insurance for your car. First of all, you need to have a good driving record with at least ten years experience. Usually, teen drivers or drivers with very poor driving record are not allowed to hold a classic car insurance policy. This is because classic cars aren't the safest cars around and the inexperienced and reckless drivers might not be able to handle the valuable cars with sufficient responsibility.

Next, you should also have proof that you have another car for your daily transportation. Most of the time, there will be a limit for your classic car's mileage if you are planning to insure it under classic car insurance. You cannot drive the car very often with the limited mileage. Therefore, you need to have another mode of transportation for your daily commuting before you can take up classic car insurance.

Your car also needs to reach a certain age before it can be classified as a classic car. If it is not old enough, it usually cannot qualify for the insurance. You need to check with your insurance company to determine the age of your car required to get into classic car insurance policy.

Next, you should also get to know the value of your policy. There are three types of value, which are actual cash value, stated value and agreed value. Actual cash value is what you usually get from regular car insurance which is the cost of the car minus depreciation. Stated value is a stated value of the car which the company would pay up to, but may not guarantee to pay the full stated value. The deductible up to $1000 usually applies in this type of valuation. Agreed value is a value agreed upon by you and your insurance company. For this valuation, there is no deductible most of the time.

Purchasing the right classic car insurance for your car is very important so that it can get sufficient protection from the policy in any cases that it got damaged or stolen.

Your opportunity to learn more about classic car insurance has finally arrived! There are still many ways to get cheap classic car insurance. The key point is whether you are committed enough to find out the ways to lower rates. One of the easiest things that you can do is to visit my website. There are many tips and tricks available there for you to get the best deal of cheapest car insurance in town! Get the tips to save more on your car premiums from my site. It is a website specially dedicated to people who are looking for more information about cheap car insurance! Go to the website, read all our recommended tips on how to get the cheapest car insurance and start saving money now!

Article Source: Crex Sky

Information on Classic Car Insurance

You're probably very familiar with regular car insurance. But if you have collector vehicles, you'll also want classic car insurance, which can differ in several ways. As you might expect, it can cost more than its more common cousin and also be harder to find. However, there are several providers out there and you should work to find the best one.

Knowing just how much you will have to pay can prove problematic because it's often hard to know just what the value of a certain classic car is. Most cars decrease in value the older they get, but for these cars just the opposite is true. The higher the value, the higher the cost of insurance. This would be easy enough, but then you'll run into several other restrictions and have to deal with the price of premiums on top of everything else.

Before you go in to apply for insurance, you need to have the best driving record you possibly can. Otherwise, there's a good chance you'll be turned down. Companies know that they are taking a risk in protecting such expensive cars, and this translates into a greater need for you to prove yourself. A good history goes a long way toward this.

Mind that, besides any risks you could cause, there's also a danger of the car being stolen that could put insurers on edge. If you live in an area that's considered high risk, you'll probably have to pay high premiums even with a perfect driving record and sometimes, if the chance of theft is considered too high, you again won't get insurance in any form.

Typically, you could just go online and get insurance in a matter of minutes. When it comes to insuring classic cars, though, your resources are much more limited. You'll have to go through more work just to find a place that offers the insurance, and then to gather quotes from which you can compare rates in order to find the best possible deal.

Your best bet when it comes to your insurance is to look at a company that actually specializes in this kind of insurance. Here, you'll be able to find the best deals available to your cars. The internet is still useful for finding additional information and doing backup research, as are resources like car magazines, but there's still going to be more to do.

Of course, you shouldn't just buy the first thing you see anywhere. Like you would if you were working online, you need to get several different quotes and compare them. Also, the bottom line is the most important aspect of your insurance and the price you'll pay. You need to be sure that everything you want protected is indeed covered in the plan.

With everything mentioned, you might be feeling apprehensive about getting insurance. However, it is all definitely worth it. When you get into the process, you'll find it isn't quite as bad as you might have feared, and when you do eventually get your insurance, it will all pay off.

Learn about the importance of classic car insurance for your collector car or hot rod. Getting adequate classic car insurance can provide great protection, but you can also save.

Article Source: Frank Rodriguez

Classic Car Insurance - How Does it Work?

If you're looking for car insurance for a classic car what sort of policy features do you need and how can you find a good deal? This guide will explain.

Classic car insurance works differently to conventional car insurance. Firstly, classic cars are categorised based on age as follows:

- Veterans: Referring to vehicles manufactured up to December 1904.

- Edwardian: Vehicles produced from January 1905-December 1918.

- Vintage: Vehicles manufactured between December 1918 and 1933.

- Classics: Normally these vehicles are manufactured before 1974 although there are exceptions.

- Cherished: These are collectible or rare vehicles that are five- to 10 years old.

Once you have established which category your vehicle fits into, it's time to get in touch with an insurer. With conventional insurers, your first move should be to compare quotes online with a comparison website. However, with classic cars you should also consider specialist insurers such as Footman James, Heritage Motor and Performance Direct.

Specialist insurers often offer unique policy options that are well suited to classic car drivers. Typically these include agreed valuations in case your vehicle is written off in an accident; courtesy cars; cover for events such as rallies and sprints; and laid-up insurance if your car is off the road while being restored.

Indeed specialist classic car insurance providers may also offer unique discounts such as money off for joining a car club or for agreeing to a limited mileage.

Whichever classic car you own however, don't pay over the odds for classic car insurance. Remember you can still compare quotes from conventional insurers if the specialists are too expensive - they may not offer the same policy options but many regular providers will still offer classic car insurance quotes.

For cheap car insurance, regardless of whether your vehicle is considered a classic, remember to enhance the security of your car, park in a garage at night and pay annually rather than monthly. Most car insurance providers also offer no-claims discounts to safe drivers.

Article Source: Alex Gregory

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Single driver

If you choose the only drivers you get an additional discount in addition to your car insurance you want to bet on the continuation of the 20 points on the license (not to commit crimes of the street and then there will not be involved in accidents due to our fault) c 'is an additional discount on the premium paid for the insurance policy.

There are other insurance that make you pay based on what you use the car, then a car insurance that is activated only when you are driving. There are other insurance that make you pay based on what you use the car, then a car insurance that is activated only when you are driving.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

In Car Insurance

In car insurance, motorists can save lots of money: The cheapest fares are on the Internet - there is, however, usually considered the ability to pay. Financial Test has examined the bids.

Check level of contributions

Who's car insurance goes, you can easily save up to $ 300. Who's car insurance goes, you can easily save up to $ 300 The deadline for the change is 30 The deadline for the change is 30 November. November. Until that day, must lie with the old insurer to terminate on the table. Until that day, must lie with the old insurer to terminate on the table. Contributions to compare now pays. Contributions to compare now pays.

The suppliers placed on increasing tariffs and often offer cheaper Internet subsidiaries policies. The suppliers placed on increasing tariffs and often offer cheaper Internet subsidiaries policies. But is classified, the new regional classes in which each driver depends on his place of residence and the new type class directory that can strongly affect the amount of insurance premiums. But is classified, the new regional classes in which each driver depends on his place of residence and the new type class directory that can strongly affect the amount of insurance.

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